Individualists United

D&C is a movement to fight for and protect our individual rights and sovereignty.
We are diverse.
We are contradictory.
But we are united in our resolution to protect that diverse and contradictory nature.
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If you believe that your uniqueness is worth fighting for - Join Us!

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Diverse and Contradictory

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

I couldn't have said it better myself

Midtopia has a post, Bush: I AM the Law! that sums up the scary nature of Bush's administration and it's consolidation of power.

The parallels between what our executive branch is doing and what many monarchies have done throughout history is frightening. I've pointed out before that the "war on terror" is being fought more at home than abroad, and that the tactic seems to be the erosion of individual rights of Americans in the name of our own good rather than the development of the worldwide structures that are actually necessary.

Could any of us live with ourselves if we had to explain to our grandchildren that we did nothing while freedom died through our own complacency?

This needs to stop and it needs to stop now. We have the opportunity to correct this erosion now without the major social and political revolution it will require if it continues unchecked.

Stand up and be heard!

A special toast to Sean Aqui of Midtopia for his concise and clear analysis.

What Bush and his administration is doing is nothing less than a coup. The longer it takes for us to recognize it, the more difficult it will be to get our government back.



"The revolution will not be televised."

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