Homeland Security gets biggest chunk of new federal IT dollars
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The question is - Do you think it will help?
From years of exerience working with businesses to streamline and improve thier processes, I can tell you that by far the most common and costly mistake is to throw software and computers at the problem.
If you don't have good processes, procedures, policys, documentation, and people, you'll only do two things by adding technology:
- Add something else to the mix that can screw it all up.
- Give yourself the ability to make bad decisions faster.
I'd rather have them throwing money at the problem than *not* throwing money at the problem, but that assumes the money will be spent intelligently.
Hopefully that $4.4 billion wasn't just pulled out of thin air, and there are specific and well-thought-out applications for the money. I guess we'll have to wait and see. First comes the appropriation... then comes the implementation... then comes the audit, criminal investigations and fraud charges....
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